The science behind post-workout massage.

While many people think of massage as just a feel-good sort of luxury, there are actually numerous health benefits, one of the many being post-workout recovery. Massage therapy has long been used as a recovery method for athletes, but there was little science to support it. While many athletes have known for years that massage can help to reduce soreness after an intense workout, science is suggesting there’s much more to it than just making us feel better.

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Trigger Point Therapy Myofacial Therapy

A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain locally and in other parts of the body. A trigger point in the back, for example, may reduce referral pain in the neck. The neck, now acting as a satellite trigger point, may then cause pain in the head or headache. The pain may be sharp and intense or a dull ache. This is only one path the muscular dysfunction may take.

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What is Deep Tissue Massage

Many people seek massage therapy—the manual manipulation of muscles and tendons beneath the skin—for relief from any kind of physical pain. Deep tissue massage therapy is often the massage of choice for athletes who want help with healing from various injuries or for those seeking help with the management of chronic pain or muscle tension.

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